
>2023 Spring Festival Gala holds first rehearsal



On Monday, China Media Group (CMG) held the first rehearsal for the 2023 Spring Festival Gala. Following the concept of continuous innovation, the rehearsal achieved preliminary results in the presentation of various performances and techniques.中央广播电视总台《2023年春节联欢晚会》周一(2022年12月26日)组织首次彩排。本着不断创新的理念,彩排在节目多样化呈现和各种技术手段的配合上取得了初步成效。

Watching the Spring Festival Gala, or Chunwan in Chinese, is an indispensable part of the celebrations for Chinese people to ring in the Lunar New Year, the most important Chinese festival centering on family reunions.春节是中国最重要的节日,家家户户团聚。看春节联欢晚会已经成为中国人迎接农历新年不可或缺的庆祝活动。

With the first broadcast from 1983, the 2023 Spring Festival Gala marks the 40-year history of the gala. 1983年央视春晚首次正式开幕,2023年春晚恰逢央视春晚40周年。

A variety of performances are designed to highlight the 2023 Spring Festival Gala. 为突出2023年春晚的特色,整个晚会设计类型丰富,形式多样。

More rehearsals will take place in the following days, before the gala is aired on Jan 21, 2023, Chinese New Year’s Eve.在接下来的几天里,将有更多的彩排,春晚将于2023年1月21日除夕播出。

>Microbes could be to blame for gaining weight at Christmas




Researchers have studied how much energy Danish people take from their food, based on analysis of their feces and the microbes within. They found roughly 40 percent of the participants have microbes that on average extract more energy from food compared to the other 60 percent.


The new study, published in the journalMicrobiome, was led by experts at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.


“We may have found a key to understanding why some people gain more weight than others, even when they don’t eat more or any differently, but this needs to be investigated further,” said study author Professor Henrik Roager.研究报告作者亨利克罗格教授说:“我们可能已经找到了体重增加的一些关键。虽然他们吃得不多或不同,但他们仍然需要进一步调查。”

For the study, the experts analyzed the gut microbiota – the trillion-strong community of microorganisms in the gut – from participants’ stool samples. 在本研究中,专家们对参与者粪便样本中的肠道微生物群进行了分析,肠道中有数万亿微生物群。

The researchers describe the gut microbiota “like an entire galaxy in our gut”, with a staggering 100 billion of them per gram of feces.研究人员将肠道微生物群描述为“肠道中的整个星系”,每克粪便中有1000亿种惊人的微生物。

The research team studied the residual energy in the feces of 85 overweight Danes aged 22 to 66 to estimate how effective their gut microbes were at extracting energy from food. 研究小组研究了85名22岁至66岁的超重丹麦人粪便中的残留能量,估计它们的肠道微生物从食物中提取能量的效率。

At the same time, they mapped the composition of gut microbes for each participant. 同时,他们绘制了每个参与者的肠道微生物组成图。

Participants were divided into three groups, based on the composition of their gut microbes — “B-type”, “R-type” and “P-type”.根据其肠道微生物的组成,参与者分为三组:“B型”、“R型”和“P型”。

B-type has repeatedly been linked with a Western lifestyle low in microbiota-accessible carbohydrates (MACs) typically found in fruits and vegetables, compared with P-type, for example, linked with a diet rich in MACs.


The so-called B-type composition, seen in 40 per cent of the participants, was more effective at extracting nutrients from food, the experts found.专家们发现,所谓的B型成分在40%的参与者中更有效地从食物中提取营养。

The researchers also found that those who extracted the most energy from food weighed 10 percent more on average, amounting to an extra nine kilograms. 研究人员还发现,从食物中提取最多能量的人平均体重增加了10%,相当于9公斤以上。

The effectiveness of extracting nutrients in B-type people may result in more calories being available from the same amount of food – possibly leading to obesity.在B型人中,提取营养物质的有效性使它们从相同数量的食物中获得更多的热量,从而导致肥胖。

“Bacteria’s metabolism of food provides extra energy in the form of short-chain fatty acids – molecules that our body can use as energy-supplying fuel,” said Professor Roager. “But if we consume more than we burn, the extra energy provided by the intestinal bacteria may increase the risk of obesity over time.罗格教授说:“细菌以短链脂肪酸的形式为食物的新陈代谢提供额外的能量,我们的身体可以把这些分子作为能量供应的燃料。然而,“如果我们的摄入量超过了消耗量,肠道细菌提供的额外能量可能会随着时间的推移增加肥胖的风险。”

Although the scientists only used a small sample of Danish participants, it’s possible the findings could be applied to other global populations. 尽管科学家们只使用丹麦参与者的少数样本,但这一发现可能适用于世界其他人口。

Overall, the results indicate that being overweight might not just be related to how healthily one eats or the amount of exercise one gets, but it may also have something to do with the microbes in our gut.一般来说,研究结果表明,超重不仅可能与一个人的饮食健康或锻炼有关,还可能与人体肠道中的微生物有关。

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