

2019年 陕西旅版六年级英语毕业考试题 (基础知识)


is(过去式) cherry(复数) strawberry(复数)

thin(反义词) one(序数词) run(现在分词)

go(单数第三人称) sunglass(复数) sun(形容词)

friend(副词) woman(复数) rice(复数)

hear(同音词) good(比较级) fat(反义词)

twelve(序数词) father(对应词) worry(形容词)

visit(名词) do(过去式) aunt(名词所有格)

this(复数) is(复数) they(宾格)

have(过去式) wear(同音词) cool(反义词)

he(复数) make(现在分词) get(现在分词)

foot(复数) autumn(同义词) beauty(形容词)

help(形容词) No.(完全式) let’s(完全式)

child(复数) aunt(同音词) meat(同音词)




be good for be interest in

enjoy oneself 名胜

A map of the world 做一张购物单

What’s wrong with you? 患难见真情

并驾齐驱 take care of


1、I want to (go) shopping with my mother.

2、My grandma (have) a (love) dog.

3、Yesterday I (go)to see my grandpa.

4、Look,they (play)basketball.

5、Li Lei (do)his homework on Sunday.

6、I like (go)fish in my free time.

7、I am a (China),I come from (China).

8、We must (listen)to teacher (careful).

9、You’d better (ask)your father.

10、She (go) swimming tomorrow afternoon.

11、Listen!The boys (sing)in the hall.

12、His father (watch)TV every day.

13、Where (do) you go yesterday?

14、The room is (Tom and Jim).

15、Our teacher live on (two)floor.


14、The room is (Tom and Jim).

15、Our teacher live on (two)floor.


1、 is this in English? ——it is a Chinese book.

A、How B、Where C、What

2、How old are you?

A、I’m ten. B、I’m fine. C、I’m in Class Four.

3、How are you?

A、I’m ten. B、I’m fine. C、I’m in Class Four.

4、 is my dress?-On the bed.

A、How B、Where C、What

5、How often does she go hiking?

A、Twenty yuan B、once a mouth C、There are four

6、 beautiful city it is!

A、What B、How C、What a

7、Bananas my favourite fruits.

A、is B、are C、be

8、Is there coke?

A、some B、many C、any

9、I’m interested in gutar.

A、playing B、play C、plays

10、Would you like to go shopping with ?

A、we B、our C、us

11、Don’t late for school.

A、is B、are C、be

12、I’m very glad you love 。

A、he B、his C、him

13、We are glad to have her home.

A、at B、in C、

14.I my mother do housework yesterday.

A、help B、helped C、helping

15、She has IP card.

A、an B、a C、the

16、Hello.This is WangShi

A、speak B、speaking C、speakking

17、Would you like to fly a kite with ?

A、us B、they C、I

18、Shall we take bus?

A、us B、they C、I

18、Shall we take bus?

A、a B、an C、the

19、What are you going to do school?

A、in B、on C、after

20、I enjoy and playing basketball.

A、swim B、swiming C、swimming


1、I am interesting in Beijing Opera.

2、She often like to go to school by bike

3、He enjoys play basketball after school.

4、Look at the map to the world.

5、The boys is play volleyball.

6、Tom wants to is a actor in the future.

7、I go to country see my grandpa yesterday.

8、I was very happy where I was in China.

9、I would like some strawberry.

10、How often may I keep the book?

11、What happy we were.

12、She will teaches us next term.


1、This is my English book.(变成复数)

2、My father is an engineer. (对画线部分提问)


3、His football is on the bed. (对画线部分提问)

4、I do my homework on Sunday (改为否定句)

5、She is play basketball on the playground.(改为一般疑问句,否定回答)

6、He can keep the book as long as you need. (对画线部分提问)7、Which is the way to the office building?(写同意句)8、How old are you?(写同意句)8、How old are you?(根据实际答案)


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