clung to(clung to each other)

最近有很多读者朋友和朋友交朋友clung to有疑问。有网友整理了相关内容,希望能回答你的疑惑。clung to each other,这个网站也为你找到了问题的答案,希望对你有所帮助。

1、Our recent collective experiences of working and educating from home to hide from the virus could greatly expedite a trend already underway. Too many of us have clung to the old model of doing things, unwilling to recognize the advantages of the digital age.


2、After returning to her residence in Beijing last week from abroad, the 47-year-old Chinese Australian woman surnamed Liang was seen jogging in the residential quarter without a mask when she was supposed to be quarantined at home for 14 days.


3、Zhong said that there is no evidence that a person becomes immune forever to coronavirus-related illnesses after having been infected once.


4、Never was so much owed by so many to so few.


5、The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged nearly 3,000 points Monday despite the Federal Reserve's decision to slash interest rates close to zero as investors doubted the emergency action will be enough to halt a feared recession due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus.


6、Germany will impose temporary controls on its borders on Monday to stop coronavirus spreading.


7、Concealing overseas trip right now is selfish and puts the lives of others at risk.


8、We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden, and locusts on the same string.


9、Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.


10、Classes resumed at some schools in Qinghai province on Monday, and more provinces are expected to follow suit next week as the novel coronavirus outbreak is brought under control.


11、There is a concern that a locust swarm could arrive in summer from Pakistan, which is currently facing its worst outbreak in years, if conditions there do not improve.


12、The slump in oil prices didn't come as a surprise, given the overcapacity of major oil exporters and the failure of the talks between OPEC and non-OPEC countries to cut oil production due to gloomy global growth prospects.


13、The delivery industry has so far resumed over 80 percent of its delivery capability, with about 3 million couriers handling 160 million parcels on a daily basis.


14、Experts urged members of the public not to abandon their pets during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus — as no evidence yet suggests pets can be a source of COVID-19 infections.


15、The numbers show the novel coronavirus epidemic can be brought under control in the not-so-distant future. No one knows when but it could be soon.


16、We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men.


17、Although the big pot herb is a traditional drug, anyone who prescribes them must rely on patients' requirements. Those forcing students to take the herb are definitely not giving it a good name.


18、The largest unnamed planet in the solar system has recently been named after the Chinese water god Gonggong by the International Astronomical Union. In Chinese mythology, however, Gonggong was a short-tempered god, who always created chaos, leading to floods and landslides.


19、In many cities, authorities have called for flexible office hours and staggered shifts, to help staff members avoid busy public transportation times and peak commuting hours.


20、Syrian government forces, supported by Russia, have been trying to retake Idlib from jihadist groups and Turkish-backed rebel factions based there.



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