

tile[tail]n. 瓦,瓷砖

tilt[tilt]v. (使)倾斜

n. 倾斜,斜坡

timid[?timid]a. 胆怯,胆怯

tin[tin]n. 锡、罐、听、罐头

【习惯用语】①live out of tins[cans]口靠罐头食品生活②straight from the tin 第一手,原来的;新鲜的

tiny[?taini]a. 小的,小的

tip[tip]n. 小费;终端,尖端

v. 给小费;倾倒,弄歪

【习惯用语】have(sth) on the tip of one's tongue 说到嘴边(但想不起来)

tire/tyre[?tai?(r)]n. 轮胎

tiresome[?tai?s?m]a. 烦人,烦人

toast[t?ust]n. 烤面包片;祝酒

【习惯用语】old toast 活跃的老人;老酒徒;魔鬼

toe[t?u]n. ①脚趾,脚尖


There is a hole in the toe of my sock. 我的袜子尖上有个洞。

【习惯用语】on one's toes 警觉;随时准备行动;

toilet[?t?ilit]n. 厕所,厕所

【同】bathroom, restroom, washroom, ladies, men's room

token[?t?uk?n]n. ①标志,象征

【同】certificate, check, clue



tolerance[?t?l?r?ns]n. 耐心(力量)、耐心、耐心

【同】endurance, patience, sufferance

【派】tolerable, tolerant, tolerate

【试题精练】Some people have greater____to pain than others.

A. endurance

B. tolerance

C. resistance

D. obedience

【答案】B. tolerance(to/of) n. (可加不定冠词)忍受,容忍,耐心(力)(如Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. show tolerance to other people; my tolerance of noise; tolerance between the races of the world)。endurance(of) n. 耐心,耐心;耐久性。endurance(of) n. 耐心,耐心;耐久性。resistance(to) n. 抵抗;抵抗,抵抗,抵抗,抵抗。obedience(to) n. 服从,服从。

tolerant[?t?l?r?nt]a. 容忍、容忍、容忍、容忍

支持;维持(生命等)。undergo vt. 遭受,经历。

toll[t?ul,t?l]n. 通行税(费用)、费用、成本、钟声

vt. 收集,敲钟,鸣

tomb[tu?m]n. 坟

tomorrow[t??m?r?u]n. /ad. ①明天;未来②不久;将来

【习惯用语】①Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.[谚]今日事今日毕。②Tomorrow never comes. 谚语不要依赖明天。③Tomorrow is a new day. 明天还来得及;明天还有希望。

ton[tu?]n. ①吨②公吨(等于1000公斤)(=metric ton) 1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000公斤是1公吨。③许多;大量tons of fruit 大量的水果

【习惯用语】①a ton of 许多②tons of 大量,许多③tons of times 多次,多次

tone[t?un]n. ①音调、语调、语气、风格

【同】sound, noise, note, resonance, color, shade, mood, spirit, atmosphere



【习惯用语】①dial[dialing]tone 拨号声(电话)②(=set the tone) give tone to 赋予某种情调或氛围③in a tone 一致

tongue[t???]n. ①舌头;语言

【同】speech, language



【习惯用语】get one's tongue around 正确地读出来

tonight[t??nait]n. /ad. 今晚,今夜

too[tu?]ad. 还有,还有,太,太,太,太,太,太,太,

【同】excessively, extremely, also, moreover

【习惯用语】only too 非常;很only too pleased 再开心不过了

tool[tu?l]n. ①工具,用具

【同】instrument, device, mechanism


Words are his tools. 语言是他的工具。


【习惯用语】down tools 罢工

tooth[tu?θ]n. ①牙齿②锯齿;梳子齿;齿轮齿 The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are called teeth. 梳子和锯子的尖锐部分叫齿。③(pl.)有效的权力When will the police be given the necessary teeth to deal with young criminals? 警察什么时候才能获得对付青少年罪犯的权利?

【习惯用语】①armed to the teeth 全副武装,武装到牙齿②escape by the skin of one's teeth 死里逃生;劫后余生③get one's teeth into 埋头做;认真做

top[t?p]a. 最高,最好

【同】highest, uppermost, topmost, supreme, excellent

【反】lowest, worst

n. ①顶部,顶部;最高位置

【同】summit, head, crown, peak, captain, chief, principal, leader, cover, lid



turnip tops 芜菁叶


He took the top off the box. 他取下箱盖。

vt. 位……之首,居……高于,超过

【同】excel, exceed, surpass, beat

【习惯用语】in top(gear) (汽车)悬挂最高速度档


vt. 位……之首,居……高于,超过

【同】excel, exceed, surpass, beat

【习惯用语】in top(gear) (汽车)悬挂最高速度档

topic[?t?pik]n. 主题,主题,主题

【同】theme, subject, argument

【习惯用语】the topic of the day 目前最受关注的问题是话题

torch[t??t?]n. 手电筒;火炬,火炬

【习惯用语】①carry a[the]torch for 单恋,单相思;永不渝,忠诚②hand[pass]on the torch 将知识文化的火炬传递给后代③the torch of Hymen 爱情

torment[t???ment]n. 折磨,痛苦

vt. 折磨,严刑拷打,使痛苦

torrent[?t?r?nt]n. 激流

【同】flood, burst, eruption, stream

torture[?t??t??(r)]n. /vt. 折磨,折磨;折磨

【同】suffer, abuse, agony

【试题精练】The guards were accused of____the prisoners in order to make them confess.

A. torturing

B. smashing

C. tapping

D. knocking

【答案】A. torture vt. 拷打,折磨。smash vt. 破碎,破碎。smash vt. 破碎,破碎。tap v. 轻扣,轻拍。knock v. 敲打,敲打;碰撞。

toss[t?s]vt. ①投,扔,抛

【同】throw, cast, project



n. ①投,扔,抛



【同】sway, swing

total[?t?ut(?)l]n. 总数,合计

a. 一般,全部,全部,全部

v. 总数达到,达到

touch[t?t?]n. 联系,联系;一点点

【同】sense, feeling, contact, connection, link, little, bit, slight, amount

v. ①触摸,触摸,触摸;触摸,感动,

【同】feel, pat, rub, move, affect, strike, impress, stir, mention, relate, refer



Your work will never touch the standard set by Robert. 你的作品绝对达不到罗伯特的水平。

tough[t?f]a. ①坚韧;困难;坚强,吃苦耐劳

【同】firm, rigid, strong, hard, hardened, difficult, laborious, strict, severe, harsh

【反】tender, simple


a tough policy 强硬的政策


【习惯用语】get tough 美俚语强硬,勇敢行动

tour[tu?(r)]n. /v. ①旅行,游历

【同】trip, travel, journey, voyage, outing



【习惯用语】①go on a tour 漫游,巡回,周游

② make a tour of the world 周游世界③on tour 漫游中;周游或巡回中

tourist [?tu?rist] n. ①旅游者,观光者

【同】traveler, visitor, sightseer


tow [t?u] n. 拖,拖曳所用之绳,麻的粗纤维

vt. 拖,曳,牵引

vi. 拖行,被拖带

toward(s) [t??w??d(z)] prep. 向,朝;将近;对于

【同】to, for, near, regarding, concerning, about

towel [?tau?l] n. 毛巾,手巾

【习惯用语】throw in the towel 认输

tower [?tau?(r)] n. ①塔

【同】building, skyscraper, high-rise


vi. 高耸

【同】rise, soar, mount


【习惯用语】①ivory tower 象牙之塔;脱离现实生活的小天地②tower above [over] 高耸于;凌驾于……之上,胜过③tower and town [诗]有人家的地方

town [taun] n. ①城镇,市镇,城市

【同】city, downtown

【反】village, countryside


The whole town is angry. 全体市民都很愤慨。

【习惯用语】①come to town 到城里来;到场,露面;成为普通人,变得平凡;出生②down town (从郊区或郊外高地)进城;[美]城市的商业区,闹市区③ghost town 荒凉的废城,被遗弃的城市遗迹

toxic [?t?ksik] a. 有毒的,因中毒引起的

【同】harmful, poisonous

toy [t?i] n. ①玩具

【同】plaything, game


【习惯用语】①make a toy of 把………当作玩具;把……当儿戏 ②toy with 摆弄(某物);玩弄(女人等);不认真考虑或对待(某种计划、想法等)

trace [treis] vt. 跟踪,追踪,查找

【同】track, follow, seek, hunt, pursue, trail

n. ①痕迹,踪迹;少许

【同】sign, indication, mark, track, trail, record, footprint


【习惯用语】①force into the traces [美]迫使做日常琐碎的工作,迫使做枯燥无味的工作②in the traces 套着挽具;负担日常工作;[喻]受驾驭③jump the traces 挣脱挽绳;[喻]摆脱束缚

track [tr?k] n. 跑道;轨道;足迹

【同】footprint, trace, trail, path, way, lane, route, rail, railway

vt. 跟踪,追踪,尾随

【同】trace, trail

【习惯用语】①on the right track 想得对;做得对②on the wrong track 想得不对;做错

tractor [?tr?kt?(r)] n. 拖拉机,牵引机

trade [treid] n. 贸易,商业,交易,生意,职业,行业,[气]信风,顾客

vi. 交易,买卖,经商,对换,购物

vt. 用……进行交换

trademark [?treidmɑ?k] n. ①商标,牌号②特征,标记

tradition [tr??di?(?)n] n. ①传统,惯例

【同】custom, culture, belief, attitude, heritage, convention, routine, rule, habit


【习惯用语】①by tradition 照传统;据口传②true to tradition 名不虚传地

【长难例句】If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them. 如果想使野心这一传统获得活力,那么它必须得到众多人的认可,尤其是得到那些本身就受人羡慕的人的尊敬,特别是其中受过教育的人。

【试题精练】It is one of our family's____foreldest sons to be called John.

A. habits

B. customs

C. traditions

D. methods

【答案】C. tradition n. 传统(指一个民族或某一特定阶层的人从历史上留传下来的习惯做法)。habit n. (一般指个人的)习惯,习性。custom n. (多指一个民族的)习惯,风俗,惯例。method n. 办法,方法。

traditional [tr??di??n(?)l] a. 传统的,惯例的

【同】conventional, established, typical, customary

traffic [?tr?fik] n. ①交通(量)

【同】transportation, movement, travel, passage


The city streets are full of traffic. 城市的街道上满是行人车辆。


【习惯用语】①arterial traffic 交通干线②have no traffic with 和……没有交往③the traffic will bear 现有情况所许可的

【试题精练】The policeman stands at the crossroads to regulate the____.

A. flow

B. traffic

C. transport

D. communication

【答案】B. traffic n. 交通(量)(the flow of traffic; much/a lot of traffic; be held up in the traffic)。flow n. 流(动)。transport n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具。communication n. 通讯,交流;传达;(pl.)通讯联系,交通工具。

tragedy [?tr?d?idi] n. ①悲剧;惨事,灾难

【同】play, drama, misfortune, suffering



【试题精练】The accident was a terrible____; they all died.

A. event

B. tragedy

C. occurrence

D. disgrace

【答案】B. tragedy n. 惨事,灾难;悲剧(反义词:comedy喜剧)。event n. 事件,大事;(体育)比赛项目。occurrence n. 发生,出现;发生的事情,事件。disgrace n. 耻辱,不光彩;可耻,不光彩的事。

tragic [?tr?d?ik] a. 悲剧的,悲惨的

【同】sad, dreadful, sorrowful, terrible


trail [treil] n. 踪迹,痕迹,形迹

vt. 跟踪,追踪,拉,拖,拖拉,(指植物)蔓生,蔓延,(指人)没精打采地走

train [trein] n. 火车;一列,一串

【同】line, chain, series, succession, string

v. 训练,培养

【同】teach, instruct, educate, drill

trait [treit] n. 特征,特点,特性

【同】characteristic, feature

traitor [?treit?(r)] n. 叛徒


tram [tr?m] n. 有轨电车

tramp [tr?mp] n. ①流浪汉

【同】vagabond, vagrant, hobo


【同】march, parade, hike ③脚步声

vt. ①用沉重的脚步行走②跋涉

training [?treini?] n. ①训练,培养

【同】instruction, education


Actors need training in diction. 演员需要训练发音。

【习惯用语】①be in [out of] training 练习得好[不好]②go into training 从事练习

trait [treit] n. 显著的特点,特性

traitor [?treit?(r)] n. 叛逆者,叛国者

tram [tr?m] n. 有轨电车,电车轨道,煤车,吊车

v. 乘电车

tramp [tr?mp] v. 重步行走,踏,践,践踏

transaction [tr?n?z?k?(?)n] n. 办理,处理,会报,学报,交易,事务,处理事务

transcend [tr?n?send] vt. 超越,胜过

transfer [tr?ns?f??(r)] n. 迁移,移动,传递,转移,调任,转账,过户,转让

vt. 转移,调转,调任,传递,转让,改变

vi. 转移,转学,换车

transform [tr?ns?f??m] vt. 转变;改造;变换

【同】change, alter, reconstruct

【长难例句】Were the Times Co. to purchase another major media company, there is no doubt that it could dramatically transform a family-run enterprise that still gets 90% of its revenues from newspapers. 如果时代公司购买另一家主要的大众传播公司的话,毫无疑问它能够把至今仍然从报纸中获得90%的总收入的家族经营的公司戏剧般地改造过来。

【试题精练】The coming of the railways in the 1830s____our society and economic life.

A. transmitted

B. transported

C. transferred

D. transformed

【答案】D. transform(into) vt. 改造,改善;使改观;变换,使变样(transform an old house into a showplace; transform heat into power, transform sb into a responsible person)。transmit vt. 传送,传递,输送;播送,发射。transport vt. 运输,运送。transfer vt. 转移,转换;调动。

transformation [?tr?nsf??mei?(?)n] n. ①变化,转变;改造,改革

【同】alteration, change, reformation, variation, modification



transient [?tr?nsi?nt] a. 短暂的,过路的

【同】fleeting, passing, migratory

transistor [tr?n?sist?(r)] n. 晶体管;晶体管收音机


transition [tr?n?si?(?)n] n. 转变,变迁,过渡(时期)

【同】transformation, shift, development, changeover, passage

translate [tr?ns?leit] vt. ①翻译

【同】reword, restate, interpret, decode



【习惯用语】①Kindly translate. 请简单明了地说明你的意思。②translate…as 把……解释为……③translate…into 把……译成……;把……转变成……;使……体现为……

translation [tr?ns?lei?(?)n] n. ①翻译;译文

【同】interpretation, treatment, version, adaptation,


transmission [tr?nz?mi?(?)n] vt. ①传递,传送,播送

【同】transference, broadcast, conveyance, spread



transmit [tr?nz?mit] vt. ①传递;传播,播送,传导

【同】send, convey, relay


【试题精练】Genes are____from one generation to another by the chromosomes.

A. conveyed

B. transported

C. transmitted

D. handed

【答案】C. transmit vt. 传送,传递,输送;(电台)播送,发送(如Rubber does not transmit electricity. Messages are often transmitted by radio. Rats transmit disease.)。convey vt. 传导,输送,运送;传达,表达。transport vt. 运输,运送。hand vt. (用手)递交。

transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] a. 透明的;明显的

【同】clear, lucid, glassy

【派】transparence, transparency, transparently, transparentness

【试题精练】The true reason why Jane went fishing is as____as glass—she didn't want to clean the house.

A. superficial

B. apparent

C. transparent

D. obvious

【答案】C. transparent a. (本义)透明的;(引申)显然的,明显的,明白易懂的(如Your scheme is so transparent that it will fool no one. The water was so transparent that we could see the fish clearly.)。superficial a. 肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的。apparent a. 显然的,明明白白的;表面上的,貌似的。obvious a. 显然的,明显的(注:由于句中有glass一词,因此不能选用apparent或obvious)。

transplant [?tr?nsplɑ?nt] vt. 移植

transport [tr?ns?p??t] vt. ①运输,搬运

【同】carry, deliver, move, convey, ship


[?tr?nsp??t] n. 运输,运输工具

【习惯用语】①be transported with 万分激动;心荡神移②in a transport [transports] of 在……的激动情绪之中,(喜)不自胜;(怒)不可遏

transportation [?tr?nsp???tei?(?)n] n. 运输;运输工具

【同】carriage, movement, traffic, traffic system

trap [tr?p] n. 陷阱;圈套

【同】blind, trick, net

vt. 设陷阱;诱捕;使陷困境

【同】entrap, catch

trash [tr??] n. ①垃圾,废物

【同】rubbish, waste, garbage, junk, refuse



vt. 捣毁,破坏

travel [?tr?v(?)l] n. 旅行

【同】journey, tour, trip, expedition, voyage

v. ①旅行;行进,传播

【同】tour, journey, wander, spread


【同】walk, proceed, go

We were really travelling when the police caught us. 警察抓到我们时,我们正开得飞快。

【习惯用语】①travel along [口]行走,快步行走②travel in 旅行推销,四处兜销③travel over (眼睛)仔细地看,逐个地看;仔细考虑

tray [trei] n. 托盘,碟

treason [?tri?z(?)n] n. 叛国,通敌

【同】betrayal, double-dealing

treasure [?tre??(r)] n. 财富;宝贝

【同】wealth, jewelry, riches, fund, valuables, gold, fortune

vt. 珍爱,珍视

【同】value, prize, cherish, appreciate


【习惯用语】treasure up 珍藏;铭记

treat [tri?t] n. 请客,款待

【同】entertainment, hospitality

v. ①对待,处理;治疗;请客

【同】regard, consider, approach, attend, serve, prescribe, entertain, amuse

②视为; 以为

He treated his mistake as a joke. 他把他的错误当作玩笑看待。


【习惯用语】one's treat 某人做东,某人请客

【派】treatable, treatment, treaty, maltreat

treaty [?tri?ti] n. 条约,谈判

treatment [?tri?tm?nt] n. ①对待,处理;待遇;治疗

【同】management, handling, entertainment, cure, care


The doctor's treatment cured him. 医生的治疗使他的病痊愈了。

tree [tri?] n. ①树②树状灌木③树状物;衣帽架;鞋架

【习惯用语】①A tree is known by its fruit. [谚]观其果而知其树;观其行而知其人。

②As a tree falls, so shall it lie.[谚]树倒在何处,就躺在何处(指事物有其必然的规律)。(来自《圣经》)③As the tree, so the fruit. [谚]有其树必有其果;什么树结什么果。

tremble [?tremb(?)l] vi. 发抖,颤抖;摇动

【同】shake, quiver, shiver

【习惯用语】①all of a tremble(=all in a tremble, on the tremble) [口]浑身颤抖;紧张万分②Hear and tremble! 好好听着,牢记住!③tremble out 颤抖着说




tremendous [tri?mend?s] a. ①巨大的,惊人的

【同】huge, great, enormous


【同】terrific, wonderful, superb, splendid

a tremendous piano player 一位非常杰出的钢琴家

trench [trent?] n. ①沟,渠

【同】channel, ditch, dugout, foxhole


trend [trend] n. /vi. 倾向,趋势

【同】tendency, bearing, leaning, tend, lean, turn, advance

【习惯用语】set the trend(在风尚、式样上)开个头,带个头

trial [?trai?l] n. ①审讯;试验

【同】case, hearing, sentence


【同】experimentation, test, proof, examination

The trial pilot is heading triumphantly for home. 那个试飞飞行员正向基地胜利返航。


That child of his is a great trial. 他那个孩子真叫人受不了。

【习惯用语】on trial 为了试验或试用Please take it on trial. 请拿去试用;受审讯中。

triangle [?trai??ɡ(?)l] n. ①三角,三角形②三角形的物体③[乐器]三角铃

tribe [traib] n. ①部落

【同】clan, family, race


tribute [?tribju?t] n. ①颂扬,颂词

【同】compliment, praise, eulogy


【同】contribution, donation

trick [trik] vt. 欺骗,哄骗

【同】cheat, fool

n. ①诡计,花招,骗局,窍门

【同】fraud, trickery, skill, art



The children played a trick on their teacher. 孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。


【习惯用语】not miss a trick(=never miss a trick) 对一切都了解

【派】trickery, tricky

trifle [?traif(?)l] n. 少量;小事,琐事


【习惯用语】a trifle 稍微;有点

【派】trivial, triviality

trigger [?triɡ?(r)] n. 扳机vt. 引起,激发起

【同】encourage, stimulate, inspire, motivate

trim [trim] vt. /n. 修剪,整修(头发,树枝等)

【同】cut, modify, decorate

a. 整齐的

trip [trip] v. 绊倒,失足n. ①旅行,远足

【同】tour, outing, journey, expedition, travel②出差错;犯过失He tripped on that difficult question 他把那道难题答错了。③以轻快的脚步跑或跳

【习惯用语】①a round trip (乘船、飞机、火车等)来回票;[美]往返旅行,周游②catch sb tripping 挑某人……的错处③ego trip [俚]对个人利益[欲望]的追逐

triple [?trip(?)l] a. ①三部分的,三方的②三倍的,三重的vt. 使增至三倍

triumph [?trai?mf] vi. 战胜,获胜

【同】win, succeed, conquer, prevail

n. ①胜利,凯旋

【同】victory, success, conquest, accomplishment, achievement




【习惯用语】①in triumph 胜利地,耀武扬威地②triumph over 战胜,击败,因……而欢欣鼓舞

【长难例句】All that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing. 那些给人带来误导的运动之所以能够得逞,就是因为好人没有采取行动。



trivial [?trivi?l] a. 琐碎的,不重要的

【同】unimportant, petty

trolley/trolly [?tr?li] n. ①手推车③[美]有轨电车,[英]无轨电车

troop [tru?p] n. (常pl. )军队,部队;一群

【同】squad, party, unit, group, crowd, company, band, flock, army, forces

【习惯用语】①get one's troop 升任骑兵连长②household troops 王室禁卫军

tropic [?tr?pik] n. ①回归线②(pl.)热带(地区)

tropical [?tr?pik(?)l] a. ①热带的



tropical weather 炎热的天气

trouble [?tr?b(?)l] n. 麻烦,烦恼;困境;故障;费神;

【同】worry, suffering, embarrassment, anxiety, problem, effort, pains, riot, disorder, disturbance


v. ①使苦恼;费神,打扰

【同】disturb, worry, annoy, bother, inconvenience



【习惯用语】①ask for trouble(=look for trouble) 找麻烦②get(a girl) into trouble 使(女孩)未婚怀孕

troublesome [?tr?b(?)ls?m] a. 麻烦的,令人烦恼的

【同】annoying, disturbing

trousers [?trauz?z] n. (pl.)裤子,长裤


truck [tr?k] n. 卡车,载重汽车,手推小货车

【同】lorry, van, automobile

true [tru?] a. ①正确的,真正的;忠实的

【同】trustworthy, loyal, faithful, honest, real, truthful, actual, correct, accurate, exact

【反】dishonest, false, inaccurate



The wheel is true. 这个轮子装得很正。

【习惯用语】true to type 典型的

【派】truly, truth, truthful

trumpet [?tr?mpit] n. 喇叭,小号


trunk [tr??k] n. ①树干;躯干;衣箱





【习惯用语】live in one's trunks 总穿着旅行服装;老在旅行,行踪不定

trust [tr?st] vt. 信任,信赖,盼望,希望,赊卖,热望,切望

n. (~in)信任,信赖

truth [tru?θ] n. 事实,真相;真理

【同】fact, reality, actuality, virtue

【反】fiction, falsehood

【习惯用语】①arrive at the truth 获知真相,明白底细②entrench upon the truth 违背真理③gospel [God's] truth 绝对的真理,天经地义的事

try [trai] v. /n. ①试图,努力;试用;审问

【同】test, examine, experiment, prove, question, judge, hear, attempt



【习惯用语】①Do try more. 多尝一些(劝人喝酒、吃点心等时的用语)。②have a try 试试看,尝试一下③Never try to prove what nobodydoubts. [谚]无人怀疑的事,无须证实。

tub [t?b] n. 盆,桶

tube [tju?b;(US)tu?b] n. 管;软管;地铁;电子管,显像管;管状器官

【同】pipe, line, subway

【习惯用语】①the boob tube [美俚]电视,电视机②travel [go] by tube 乘坐地下火车③two penny tube 伦敦地下铁路

tuck [t?k] vt. ①折起,卷起

【同】fold, roll


Tuesday [?tju?zdei,-zdi;(US)?tu?-] n. 星期二

【习惯用语】Shrove [Pancake] Tuesday [宗]圣灰星期三的前一天;四旬节开始的前一天;忏悔日

tug [t?ɡ] n. ①拖,拉

【同】pull, jerk, wrench, draw, tow, haul

②拖船v. 拖

tuition [tju??i?(?)n;(US)?tu?-]n. 学费

【同】education, instruction

【派】tuitional, tuitionary

tumble [?t?mb(?)l] vi. ①摔倒,跌倒

【同】fall, drop





【同】fall, sink, decline, plunge

vt. ①使摔倒



n. ①翻滚



【同】disturbance, disorder

tumor/tumour [?tju?m?(r)] n. 肿瘤

tune [tju?n;(US)tu?n] n. 曲调,调子;和谐

v. 调谐,调节

【同】adjust, adapt, regulate, prepare

【习惯用语】①call the tune 发号施令;指令②change one's tune 改变主张、论调、行为③in tune 入调

tunnel [?t?n(?)l] n. 地道,隧道

【同】subway, bore, dig, mine

turbine [?t??bain] n. 气轮机,涡轮机

turbulent [?t??bjul?nt] a. ①波涛汹涌的,狂暴的

【同】disorderly, violent


【同】riotous, upset


turkey [?t??ki] n. 火鸡

【同】cock, hen, chicken

turn [t??n] v. 旋转,转动;转向;转变;

【同】revolve, rotate, circle, spin, overturn, change, alter, transform, transfer, look back, become, grow, get

n. ①转动,转向;轮流

【同】revolution, rotation, cycle, round, occasion, opportunity, change, shift, transformation, turning point


【习惯用语】at every turn 处处;经常;总是

turnover [?t??n?uv?(r)] n. 翻覆,翻折,半圆卷饼,流通量,营业额,周转

a. 有一部分翻转的,可翻转的

tutor [?tju?t?(r);(US)?tu?-]n. 指导教师;(大学的)教师,导师

【同】private teacher, instructor, adviser, professor, coach, educator, trainer

vt. 教,指导

【同】teach, instruct, train, educate

twelfth [twelfθ] num. 第十二,十二分之一

twelve [twelv] num. ①十二,十二个②第十二③十二岁的

【习惯用语】①in twelves [刷]十二开本②strike twelve 显出全副本领[获得大成功]

twentieth [?twenti?θ] num. 第二十,二十分之一

twenty [?twenti] num. 二十,二十个

twice [twais] ad. 两次,两倍

【习惯用语】①at twice(=in twice) 分两次;于第二次②once or twice 一两次

twin [twin] a. 成双的;孪生的

【同】two, doubling, twofold, identical

n. ①双胞胎


twinkle [?twi?k(?)l] vi. ①(星等)闪烁

【同】glitter, flash



n. ①闪烁





twist[twist]v./n. ①扭曲,扭伤





two[tu?]num. 二,两点钟

【习惯用语】put two and two together 根据事实的推测,推断

type[?taip]v. 打字

【同】typewrite, copy

n. ①类型,种类,样式

【同】fashion, mode, pattern, model, original, sample



typewriter[?taiprait?(r)]n. 打字机

typhoon[tai?fu?n]n. 台风

typical[?tipik(?)l]a. ①典型的,有代表性的

【同】characteristic, illustrative, model, representative


【同】unique, outstanding


【习惯用语】be typical of 代表,象征

【长难例句】Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. 毫无目标极少能被认为是战后日本——一个生产力的迅猛发展及社会的安定和谐足以让欧美各国眼红的国家的典型特征。

【试题精练】These features are____of what we may call educated informal English.

A. typical

B. economical

C. shortD. composed【答案】A. typical(of) a. 典型的,有代表性的,代表了……(如a typical day at the office; a typical school boy. Such bragging is typical of his behavior. The inversion is typical of literary style.)。economical(of) a. 节约的,节俭的。short (of) a. 缺乏的,不足的。be composed of 由……组成,由……构成。typist[?taipist]n. 打字员


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