

Amy 阿尔法医学英语 3天前





When a clinician(临床医师) showed Dr Nizar’s sons a pain chart, they asked her what the smiley face at one end of the scale meant. The boys do not know, Dr Nizar says, what it is like to live without pain.

Pain chart是衡量患者疼痛强度的疼痛量表:



People with serious congenital diseases have no escape or respite; their symptoms are inescapable.

Congenital意思是“先天”。它表示两个方面的“先天性”,一个是先天性疾病,如congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病,congenital abnormalities 先天性畸形;另一种是先天性格和性格,如He's a congenital liar. 相当于He's a liar by nature. 他是个性爱撒谎的人。

Respite指从困难或不快的情况下暂时缓解和休息(a short break or escape from sth. difficult or unpleasant),或者在完成一项艰巨而痛苦的任务之前获得的短暂喘息(a short delay allowed before sth difficult or unpleasant must be done)。例如:

The drug brought a brief respite from the pain. 药物暂时缓解疼痛。例如:

The drug brought a brief respite from the pain. 药物暂时缓解疼痛。

She continued to work without respite. 她连续工作,没有休息。

Their teacher was away, so they had a day's respite before their essays were due. 老师不在,所以他们在完成论文前短暂休息了一天。


Those who deal with rare genetic diseases talk of the “diagnostic odyssey”. This is the process of repeatedly suggesting a cause for a rare disease, testing, ruling out(排除) and suggesting again.transports是什么意思()

A Short Summary of the Epic Odyssey By Homer

Odyssey是荷马创作的希腊史诗,它讲述了奥德修斯Odyseus在特洛伊战争后经历了漫长而艰难的十年回家的故事,所以odysey现在经常被用来描述“艰难的旅程”;漫长而危险的过程(a long exciting journey on which a lot of things happen)”。这里用来形容罕见遗传病的诊断过程再形象不过了。


The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth. 这部电影讲述了一个男人在生下自己后寻找失去的母亲的漫长曲折。

The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey. 这段去特拉夫尼克的路是16小时艰险旅行的最后一次旅行。

a spiritual odyssey 精神探索

the emotional odyssey 情感历程

an odyssey of self-discovery 自我探索的过程transports是什么意思()

幸运的是,基因组检测(genomic testing)为诊断罕见病提供便利。即使有些基因疾病还没有找到治愈的方法,知道它的原因和确切性仍然非常重要,知道得越早越好,这对后续治疗和护理方法的正确选择起着指导作用。

In Britain and many other rich countries, genomic testing(基因组检测) has the length of the odyssey down to months or even weeks, says Dr Caulfield. This matters because, even when genetic diseases cannot be cured, knowing the precise nature of the defect often matters—and the earlier it is known, the better. When a Mexican clinic for children with birth defects had 60 of its patients sequenced, subsequent changes in diagnosis led to revisions in the care given to almost half of them.这里补充一个基因组检测(genomic testing)基因检测(genetic testing)不同之处:基因组检测是针对一个人的



这一段有一个关于“减少/减少至减少”的问题……“说法可以代替常用的说法reduce sth. to…: have sth. down to…了解疾病治疗和护理方法的正确选择,具体的病因具有指导作用。

这一段有一个关于“减少/减少至减少”的问题……“说法可以代替常用的说法reduce sth. to…: have sth. down to…




Sometimes the correct care has dramatic results. Jessica was four years old when sequencing showed that the disease affecting her movement and development stemmed from a misprint in a gene called SLC2A1. This meant her cells did not make enough of a protein that transports sugar into the brain, thus leaving it chronically(长期地) underpowered. Giving Jessica a carefully tailored low-carbohydrate diet(低碳水饮食) activated an alternative way of getting calories to her brain. Another situation in which knowledge gives huge power is Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere disease(BVVL综合征), a rare form of motor-neurone(运动神经元) disease that strikes in childhood. Faults in the genes SLC52A2 and SLC52A3 reduce the body’s stocks of a protein that transports riboflavin (vitamin B2,核黄素/维生素B2) from the gut into the blood stream. High doses of riboflavin can provide great benefits to many such patients—but they will not get them if they do not know they need them.

Stem from sth. 是固定的短语,意思是“起源”……;根源是……用于引出原因和原因。当你在写作中表达因果关系时,你可以使用动词短语stem from来代替because, for, as等词,可以使文章的表达更加多样化。



例如:Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups. 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需要。

当灾难或疾病作strike(及物/不及物都可)的主语时,表示某种灾难或疾病突然爆发,产生危害,如:The disease has struck the whole community, sometimes wiping out whole families. 疾病袭击整个社区,有时整个家族都无一生还。

They predict that a large earthquake will strike the east coast before the end of the decade. 他们预测这十年内东海岸就会发生一场大地震。transports是什么意思()

Gut这个词有很多意思,在文中指“消化道;内脏”。当gut做肠道或内脏讲时,有三个俗语非常的形象:①spill one’s guts,把肠子都掏出来,也就是“告密;把所知和盘托出;倾诉心里话”。② work/slog one’s guts out,形容“拼命工作”,颇有


之感。③hate sb’s guts,恨某人的内脏,顾名思义,就是“恨之入骨”。

Gut还有两个意思值得关注,一个是guts勇气(s不能丢),做某事需要很大的勇气可以说成it takes the guts to do sth. 另一个是gut直觉(单数名词,不能加s),如gut reaction 本能反应;对于某事有种直觉可以说成I have a gut feeling that…基因病诊断方面取得的进步不仅可以造福罕见病的患者,还可以给常见疾病的治疗带来启发:

SOST基因突变影响了硬骨素(一种对骨形成活动起抑制作用的蛋白)的表达,从而导致骨的过度增生,这是硬化性骨化症和van Buchem病的致病原因。这为骨质疏松症的治疗带来了启发,也许通过药物来抑制硬骨素,就可以促进骨骼的生长:

Studies of two rare genetic disorders in which bones grow too eagerly, sclerosteosis(硬化性骨化症) and van Buchem’s disease, revealed that both involved mutations in SOST, a gene that describes a protein now called sclerostin(硬骨素;骨硬化蛋白). When expressed in bone-building cells, sclerostin turned out to suppress bone growth—hence the bone overgrowth problems when the gene is faulty. This opened up the possibility that patients without enough bone growth might benefit from a drug that inhibited(抑制) sclerostin. That has led to the development of antibodies against sclerostin as a new strategy for treating osteoporosis(骨质疏松症). Van Buchem’s disease is almost as rare as Jansen’s; but in ageing populations osteoporosis is a public-health scourge(祸害).

这一段中有几个与骨骼相关的医学词汇:sclerosteosis 硬化性骨化症; osteoporosis 骨质疏松症。这两个词看起来难记,其实只要掌握了当中的词根词缀,你就能轻松辨别并记住这两个单词。先来看看这两个单词中


Osteo- 即“bone”,表示“骨头”;

-osis 表示“疾病”。



Sclero- 表示“硬;硬化”;

Por- 即单词“pore”,表示“小孔”。


Similarly, studies of a Chinese family with a rare form of erythromelalgia(红斑性肢痛症), which causes burning pain and redness in the feet, are driving the development of new painkillers(止痛药). Studies of the faulty PCSK9 gene found in families with a genetic disorder that gives them poor coronary(心脏的;冠状动脉的) health inspired a whole class of new anti-cholesterol drugs(降胆固醇药物) that are more effective than statins(他汀类药物).


A wrinkle on this approach is to find people with disease-causing mutations who stay healthy, or whose disease progresses slowly. These people contain genes that may protect them from harm, which might be useful in creating new therapies for others. Maze Therapeutics, based in San Francisco, is looking for “genetic modifiers” that alter the course of conditions like ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease肌萎缩侧索硬化,“渐冻人” ). This disease is normally fatal within a couple of years. But in some sufferers, such as the late(已故的) physicist Stephen Hawking, it develops much more slowly.

疾病天註定?研究指出40%疾病源於基因 25%與環境有關


Yet as humanity’s knowledge of disease mechanisms has grown dramatically through the study of rare inherited diseases, the development of treatments for those diseases themselves has failed to keep pace. Conditions that blight lives by the dozen or hundred are not big markets.


His career has been blighted by injuries.


an area blighted by unemployment


Many hope that various new technologies could drastically reduce the costs of bespoke(定制的) treatments for at least some congenital diseases. Most drugs today work by targeting a protein—either one of the body’s proteins that is misbehaving, or a protein in a pathogen that is achieving its goals all too well. The drug has to be tailored to the shape and activity of the protein it targets, while not messing up the workings of other inoffensive proteins that are doing vital work. That isn’t easy.


What, though, if you could stop a problematic protein from being made in the first place? For a cell to make a protein, it first needs to make a copy of the gene sequence that describes that protein. This copy is called a messenger RNA(信使RNA), or mRNA. If you know the sequence of the gene, it is easy to work out the sequence of its mRNA, and from that design a short strand of DNA that, by dint of(通过;凭借) its own sequence, will stick to that mRNA, thus rendering it useless (see diagram).这种通过与信使RNA结合从而阻止靶标基因翻译的“神器”就是反义寡核苷酸(antisense oligonucleotides),一种短的单链DNA分子。它的DNA序列与特定的靶标RNA序列互补,结合后可通过各种不同的机制影响靶标基因的表达,从而导致问题蛋白质生成失败。反义寡核苷酸药物已经用于治疗一些基因病。

Such DNA-based saboteurs are called “antisense oligonucleotides” (ASOs). They are now being used to treat various faulty-gene diseases, including a particular form of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA,脊髓性肌肉萎缩症), some types of Duchenne muscular dystrophy(杜兴氏肌肉营养不良症) and familial hypercholesterolemia(家族性高胆固醇血症)—the disease that led to the design of new anti-cholesterol drugs. There are trials under way to see if an ASO can slow the progression of Huntington’s disease, a lethal(致命的) degenerative(变性的) disease which affects from five to 10 people per 100,000.transports是什么意思()


拓展一下,sabotage指的是为防止敌人利用或表示抗议而对设备、交通等进行蓄意破坏的行为,既可作名词也可作及物动词,如:an act of economic / military / industrial sabotage 经济/军事/工业破坏活动;Protesters failed to sabotage the peace talks. 抗议者未能破坏和平谈判。





Antisense drugs are particularly exciting to patients with rare congenital diseases because they can be easily tailored. Once the sequence of the gene for the protein at fault is established, an ASO can be ready in under a year, says Art Krieg, the boss of Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company. The fact that ASOs are based on sequences means that they can be “programmed” to inhibit the synthesis of a wide range of proteins. An ASO can also be designed and used to treat a disease unique to a single patient—what doctors call an n-of-1 trial(单病例随机对照实验).

后台回复“congenital diseases”可获得原文。



A Short Summary of the Epic Odyssey By Homer

疾病天註定?研究指出40%疾病源於基因 25%與環境有關







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