

写作:邹世辉 专栏:研究成理写作实验室


1. 允许,确保,使。。。成为可能


A. allow to 允许

Advances in the synthesis of well-de?ned nanoparticles as well as the routine availability of high-resolution TEM imaging and chemical composition mapping areallowingnanoparticle catalyststoserve as model systems that also can be utilized in applications. (Ref.:Scripta Materialia 74 (2014) 25–32)


The quite remarkable correlation of their catalytic behavior with the available structural data, coordination chemistry, and organometallic reactivity patterns, including relativistic effects,allowsthe underlying principles of catalytic carbophilic activation by π?acidstobe formulated. (Ref.:Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, 46: 3410–3449)

B. enable使…能够

Combined with a better understanding of OER catalysts and the ability to control their active sites, methods to engineer the nano and microscale architecture of electrocatalystsshould enablehigher e?ciencies for water-splitting devices. (Ref.:Scripta Materialia 74 (2014) 25–32)

Recently, however, our laboratory introduced the concept of organo–singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) catalysis, a one-electron mode of activation that hasenabledthe development of several useful transformations (Science 2008, 322, 77-80)

C. Make it possible 使成为可能

Advances in controlled environment stages and electron optics nowmake it possible toexamine catalysts at temperatures up to 1000°C and pressures up to 101 kPa. (Science 2003, 299, 1688-1691)

We believe that the development of post-functionalisation routeswill make it possible toachieve tailor made materials that will create new breakthroughs in selective catalysis. (Green Chem., 2009, 11, 1729-1732)

注:allow与enable的区别在于,允许allow…有条件做某事;enable是让…有能力做某事。两者在某些时候都有make it possible这个意思应该结合语境选择不同的词汇

D. ensure 确保发生了什么事

It combines high affinity to the π?system of the substrate with the advantages of a kinetically labile carbon–metal bond that can be readily cleaved under the reaction conditions, thusensuringefficient turnover. (Ref.:Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, 46: 3410–3449)

This propertyensuresready displacement of the product by new substrate and thereforeenables“turnover” of a catalytically active metal template. (Ref.:Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, 46: 3410–3449)

注:与ensure同根的词也包括insure(以经济为主,保险为主), assure(侧重思想)等等,一般学术论文都用ensure.

E. secure 类似于ensure

The application of a metallic microconstruction to catalytic reactions requires the development of an efficient method for catalyst layering, which on the one hand, wouldsecurehigh dispersion and a desired catalyst structure, and would not change the carrier geometry. (Thin Solid Films 2007, 515, 6590-6595)

A central challenge to our society in the coming decades is tosecurean adequate and sustainable supply of energy and chemicals to replace dwindling fossil fuel reserves. (ChemCatChem, 2011, 3: 969–972)

F. guarantee 保证人的行为或事物的性能

Each newly discovered ligand classoffers the guarantee ofits patenting, an important aspect for an exclusive industrial exploitation in the future. (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2004, 43: 5883–5886)

A key question is whether or not the implementation of synthetic strategies based on CO2guaranteesthat its emission will be reduced. (Chem. Rev., 2014, 114 (3), pp 1709–1742)



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上一篇 2023年 2月 5日 下午2:49
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