
懿说学区(8) | SPSS统计分析(17)独立样本T检验

Yishuo school district (8) | SPSS statistical analysis (17) independent sample t-test


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In the last issue, we carried out the example operation of single sample t-test, and learned how to carry out the process of single sample t-test. In this issue, we will continue to learn about the t-test of independent samples.




The single sample t-test is used to test whether there is a significant difference between the sample mean and the population mean, while the independent sample t-test uses independent samples from two populations to infer whether there is a significant difference between the two populations.

Therefore, in the hypothesis test, the original hypothesis is μ 1= μ 2, i.e. assuming that the mean values of the two populations are equal, the alternative assumption is μ 1≠ μ 2, that is, the average values of the two populations are not equal.



Independent sample t-test adopts the method of t-test, involving two populations, requiring two groups of samples to be independent of each other, that is, a group of samples taken from one population has no impact on a group of samples taken from another population, and the number of cases of the two groups of samples can be unequal. Therefore, the premise of independent sample t-test is that the population from which the sample comes should obey or approximately obey the normal distribution, and the two groups of samples are independent of each other.



On the basis of the original hypothesis, the independent sample t-test uses T statistics. The conclusion of t-test of independent samples depends largely on whether the variances of the two populations are equal. This requires testing whether the variances of the two populations are equal, which is called variance homogeneity test.


SPSS中利用Levene F方差齐性检验方法检验两总体方差是否存在显著性差异。进行Levene F方差齐性检验,首先提出原假设H0:σ12=σ22;执行过程中,若概率p值小于给定的显著性水平(一般为0.05),则拒绝原假设,认为两个总体的方差不等;否则认为两个总体的方差无显著性差异。

In SPSS, Levene f variance homogeneity test method is used to test whether there is a significant difference in the variance of the two populations. Conduct Levene f variance homogeneity test, and first put forward the original hypothesis H0: σ 12= σ 22; In the process of execution, if the probability p value is less than the given significance level (generally 0.05), the original hypothesis is rejected and the variance of the two populations is considered to be unequal; Otherwise, it is considered that the variance of the two populations has no significant difference.



Given the original hypothesis, SPSS substitutes the test value 0 into the value of t statistic μ 1- μ In part 2, the observed values of test statistics are obtained, and the probability p value is calculated according to the distribution function of t distribution.


Notice for next issue: in the next section, we will carry out the example operation of independent sample t-test.


That's all for today's sharing. If you have unique ideas about today's article, please leave us a message. Let's meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day today!

参考资料:百度百科,《SPSS 23 统计分析实用教程》




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上一篇 2023年 5月 12日 上午9:49
下一篇 2023年 5月 12日 上午10:17


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