



Present Simple (I do/He does) 一般现在时

● ThePresent Simple tenseis the most basic tense in English and uses the base form of the verb (except for the verbBE). We only conjugate the main verb by addingS/ESto the third person singular.

● 一般来说,现在是英语中最基本的时态,动词可以用原形(BE动词: am/is/are),当主语是第三人称单数时,动词后面 S/ES。


● For positive sentences肯定句:

There is no auxiliary verb.


Use the base form of the verb (except for the verb BE: am/is/are). We only conjugate the main verb by adding S/ES to the third person singular.

动词可以用原形(BE动词: am/is/are),当主语是第三人称单数时,动词后面 S/ES。

The earth revolves around the sun.


For negative and question sentences否定句和疑问句:

The auxiliary verb DO is conjugated in the Present Simple:do/does


The main verb is invariable in base form.


For negative sentences, we insertNOTbetween the auxiliary verb and the main verb.


Salt water does not freeze at the same temperature as freshwater.


For question sentences, we exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb.


For question sentences, we exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb.


Do you have your seat belt on?


● We use

the Present Simple

to describe things that are always true or general truth, or situations that exist now and as far as we know, will go on definitely.

● 一般来说,在过去、现在或将来都是这样,表达的是客观事实和普遍真理,或者现在存在的某种情况会继续存在。

★ Trees grow more quickly in summer than in winter.

★ 夏天的树比冬天长得快。

★ On average, a person blinks more than 20,ooo times a day.

★ 平均每天眨眼超过20次,ooo次。

★ Our noses don’t grow longer as we age.

★ 随着年龄的增长,我们的鼻子不会变长。

★ Our noses don’t grow longer as we age.

★ 随着年龄的增长,我们的鼻子不会变长。

★ Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

★ 水由氢和氧组成。

★ It takes me five minutes to get to school on foot.

★ 步行到学校需要5分钟。★ Andy is an excellent linguist. He speaks five languages fluently.

★ 安迪是一位能流利地说五种语言的优秀语言学家。

● We use

the Present Simple

to talk about habits or things that happen on a regular basis.

● 它通常被用来表达习惯性或经常发生的事情。

★ I leave work at 5:30 most days.

★ 大部分时间我都是5:30下班。

★ Each July we go to Turkey for a holiday.

★ 我们每年七月都去土耳其度假。★ My mother shuts all the doors and windows before she goes to bed.★ 我妈妈会在睡觉前关上所有的门窗。

● We usually usethe Present Simple

with performative verbs such as

accept, acknowledge, advise, apologize, assume, deny, guarantee, hope, inform, predict, promise, recommend, suggest, suppose, warn, admit, refuse


● 动词(accept接受、acknowledge承认、advise建议、apologize道歉、assume假设、deny否认、guarantee保证、hope希望、inform通知、predict预测、predict承诺、recommend建议、sugest建议、suppose假设、warn警告、admit承认、refuse拒绝)通常用于现在。

★ I


I can’t see as well as I used to.

★ 我承认我的视力不如以前好了。

★ Irefuseto believe that he didn’t know the car was stolen.

★ 我不相信他不知道车是偷来的。

● We can also use


with performative verbs to make what we say more polite.

● 可以在施加动词之前添加情态动词,让我们说的话更有礼貌。

★ I

would advise

you to arrive at the airport two hours before the flight leaves.

★ 我建议你在飞机起飞前两小时到达机场。

★ I’m afraid Ihave to informyou that your application for funding has been turned down.★ 恐怕我得通知你,你的资助申请已经被拒绝了。

● We often prefer to use

the Present Simple

with stative verbs, which is also called non-action verbs. If you like chocolate, that’s a state that exists. It doesn’t involve action. Eating chocolate involves action. Stative verbs aren’t used in progressive tenses. Common stative verbs include

be, have, own, belong, exist, possess, hold, own, consist of, contain; cost, weigh, measure; see, hear, taste, smell, feel; know, understand, believe, doubt, recognize, realize, remember, agree, disagree, like, dislike, prefer, enjoy, fear, hate, desire, need, want, wish, seem, look like, resemble


● 静态动词,又称非行为动词,表示一种存在状态,通常在现在使用。如果你喜欢巧克力,它是一种不涉及动作的存在状态;吃巧克力涉及动作。常见的静态动词不用于时态:

be, have, own, belong, exist, possess, hold, own, consists of, contain(表存或拥有); cost, weigh, measure(表度量); see, hear, taste, smell, feel(表五感); know, understand, believe, doubt, recognize, realize, remember, agree, disagree, like, dislike, prefer, enjoy, fear, hate, desire, need, want, wish, seem, look like, resemble(表心理状态)。

★ I really enjoy travelling.

★ 我非常喜欢旅行。

★ The group currently consists of five people, but we hope to get more members soon.

★ 目前,我们小组有五名成员,我们希望更多的成员很快加入。★ The house belongs to his father. 这所房子属于他的父亲。

★ The house belongs to his father. 这所房子属于他的父亲。

★ This typewriter costs 200 dollars. 这台打字机值200美元。

The Present Simple
is used to report what we have heard or what we have read.

● 转述我们所听到的或所读到的内容,用一般现在时。★ This article


why unemployment has been rising so quickly.★ 这篇文章解释了为什么失业率上升得如此快。

If you found this article useful, please like and share it. Thanks a million.如若觉得这篇文章有所帮助,麻烦亲爱的亲亲们帮忙点赞和分享!!! 万分感谢!!!


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